12.15am on valentines day.
The day is coming to a close,and i can already feel my eyes shutting! Today was super fun. As said in my previous post, i went to the movies A LOT today. I went to see Valentines day at 10am, then Percy Jackson, the lighting theif at 2.20pm. and then Wolf Man at 9.20pm ! So here are my critiques:
Valentines day- Cute. Realistic. Definitely nothing too hollywood. A good cast, but it wasn't something to die for. I would give it like 5.5 stars
Percy Jackson- Loved it! It was of course, my kind of movie. Action, suspense, a tad bit of romance, and a fun(kid)- packed movie. I'd give it a 7.5.
Wolf man- Okay. So kevin absolutely loved it. it was super gory. Benico Del Toro did a wonderful job. BUT it was so freaking gory that I pretty much closed my eyes fr the most part. For example: a man was run over my a cart and his spin was made into a V shape and you could hear every crack. Another example: the Werewolf's nails tearing apart faces and cutting necks open. So if you're into that ( in which case kevin must be) then its you're kinda movie! For acting,scenes, make-up, plot and so forth i'd give it an 7.5-8. but for my liking..lets just say i'd never see it again haha
Also! Kevin and I went to an awesome little Tapas bar where we got WAYY too much food.
Some of the food we ordered:
-Steamed mussels in a white wine garlic broth
- dates stuffed with almonds and bleu cheese wrapped in bacon
-speck and toast ( proscuitto wrapped garlic with a tomato-like paste on top of toasty cracker)
- Sauteed mushrooms with roasted hazelnuts
-Patatas bravas ( Crisp potato pieces fried with paprika, dipping sauce aioli)
-Risotto with fresh parsley, saffron, and Parmesan cheese.
SO GOOD. the Place is called Cobras Y Matadors. The food is awesome. Our bill was $83.00 total which isn't too bad considering all the food we got. It was a little too LA for me, since i'm used to wooden taverns in spain with loud spanish dancers, but all in all it was a great place to go for tapas and a great day!